Behind the Shot
This image holds a special place in the heart of photographer Chris Henry. He grew up spending summers on the Jersey Shore and treasured the beaches, surf, sunsets, marshes and pine barrens—just to name a few of the region’s hallmarks. South Jersey is rife with nature’s beauty, a fact that may stay under the radar because the popular Jersey Shore television show painted quite a different picture. Chris tells the story of capturing this shot: “One day while exploring the marshes of Marmora I spotted what looked like an intricate web of waterways leading toward the Atlantic Ocean. I put my drone up to investigate further and instantly knew I needed to return with a kayak to capture the adventurous element of the scene. My dad was nice enough to join me on this photo mission and launched a kayak into the marsh. Sunset illuminated the grasses perfectly, and I caught him paddling along a winding riverway from above with my drone.” Marmora Kayak expresses the serenity of nature and the thrill of exploration in even the most unlikely of locations.