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Amalfi At-a-Glance

Elliott Chau


Behind the Shot

Sometimes delays can reveal something unexpected. On the way to shoot the sunset in the village of Positano, on the Amalfi coast in Campania, Italy, Elliott and his companions were delayed by unforeseen circumstances. Stuck about 30 miles from their planned destination, with the sun quickly setting, Elliott wasn’t bothered by the changing plans. “I travel to travel and take photos along the way. It can be a lot more rewarding. If the weather is bad or light isn’t perfect, I still can enjoy the experience. A lot of people don’t enjoy their travels because they are too concerned with getting photos and less concerned about enjoying and experiencing the moment.”

Elliott took the opportunity to explore the nearby area. Peeking through the trees by the side of the road, he found this perfectly framed view of the region’s namesake village, Amalfi.

“You can’t force the perfect photo. You can plan, you can spend hours in post-editing a shot, but if that’s your mindset, then every trip you take is about taking a photo instead of enjoying the experience. I don’t travel for the shot. I chase the adventure more. We eventually made it to our destination, late, yes, but I knew I had a great shot already, so I didn’t stress.”

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